Pro-choice supporters may argue that there are no major risks for women who proceed with the decision of abortion. However, there are health risks that occur with each type of abortion. There are three types of abortion: surgical abortion, medically-induced abortion, and late term abortion and each of the different types have risks that are likely to occur. The are risks that a woman could face with any kind of abortion, no matter which she chooses to proceed with, In surgical abortion, a vacuum is used to remove the placenta and fetus. Risks of surgical abortion include: damage to the womb or cervix, scarring to the inside of the uterus, excessive bleeding, infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes, and the women could have a reaction to the medicines or anesthesia. Also, during the procedure any of the surgical instruments could tear or damage other organs (“Abortion--Surgical”). Medical abortion is the most difficult abortion because the women have to keep track of medication. Medically-induced abortion in terminating the pregnancy by taking certain prescribed medication or receiving injections. Medically-induced abortion is performed up to six weeks …show more content…
However, there are many alternatives for abortions that are more positive and better choices. Alternative for abortions are more positive are helpful for both the women and the child. Abortion is for the women who do not want to terminate the pregnancy but do not or can not keep the child. Other reason for adoption is that the women or parents are not financially stable, the life of the the women or parents are unstable, or the women have lack of support from the partners or family (“Adoption”). Adoption is a great alternative because there are many different kinds of adoption options for the biological mother. The first is closed/confidential adoption, this gives the option of giving the baby for adoption, but the mother is not allowed to contact or to exchange information with the child or the adoptive parents. The second choice is open adoption and with this option there is open communication and minimal contact between the biological and adoptive parents, but there is no contact between the biological mother and the child. Also with open adoption, both the biological mother or parents agree on an age for the child to be informed about his/her biological parents, but the communication between the two is very limited. The final option is semi-open adoption, this option allows birth mother and adoptive parents to agree on the amount of