Let me offer an example of which this verse reminds me. When I was learning to fly, perhaps the most difficult lesson I had to learn was landing my aircraft. A radio beam is focused on the runway upon which the airplane must land. I can pick up this beam from many miles away and as long as I follow the beam, I do not need to see the ground. Even in the foulest weather or densest fog I am safe so long as I follow the beam. When my airplane veers too far to one side there is a humming sound in
Let me offer an example of which this verse reminds me. When I was learning to fly, perhaps the most difficult lesson I had to learn was landing my aircraft. A radio beam is focused on the runway upon which the airplane must land. I can pick up this beam from many miles away and as long as I follow the beam, I do not need to see the ground. Even in the foulest weather or densest fog I am safe so long as I follow the beam. When my airplane veers too far to one side there is a humming sound in