Mass media is where and how people today get most of their information. This can vary from a news channel on television to a social network online but, they both can be harmful psychologically. One way social media can be psychologically harmful is called instant gratification, which is instant or quick positive feedback from an action. Because, the internet allows for quick interactions between users, some people have become dependent on the feedback they receive. This is detrimental to a person psychological health when they make real world actions. Being used to the "instant" feedback online people can be discouraged from doing anything that doesn't give instant results. It is here that lies that problem that many people are suffering from. There are also other effects of social media as well. Being that it sets a standard of living which most people can't keep up with or maintain. An example of this would cellphones, people are pushed to keep up with the latest cell phone there is on the market regardless of it's price. This leads to people being pressured into things they don't want and spending money they don't have. Although there hasn't been a link between debt and social media, debt has been steadily increasing with more social media use. This could be a merely a coincidence although highly unlikely being that most social media condones excessive spending. People argue that no one is forcing anyone to do or buy anything, so how …show more content…
In other words 50 percent of people are pressured to want what only 2 percent of them can have, this ties into the instant gratification as well since people get these unrealistic goals forced onto them, they'll get upset when they aren't met quickly. Now all of this wouldn't be brought to people's attention without probable cause, there have many suicides associated with social media. People do recognize that there are other elements outside of social media that can lead to this but, social media is a common factor among these cases. One theory behind "social media suicides" is anonymity. When people talk online, there is sometimes a "blanket" like an effect that happens, people feel what they say online is different from saying it to a person in real life. This can cause people to more cruel than they usually would. This doesn't even mention how a person can feel like the whole world is against them. Supporting this idea how many users agree or disagree with a topic. Say a person receives a status saying "you're ugly" and it gets 30 likes. That person that received that message might think 31 people think that that person is ugly. In contradiction to the fact, those people don't feel strong either way. It is this