Odysseus endures many challenges on his quest back to Ithaca. First, after being released from Calypso’s 7 year imprisonment and immediately shipwrecked by Poseidon, he is cast, “naked and near death, ashore on the …show more content…
One example of this is when I tried out for the tennis team. At first, I was rejected. I was disappointed, but I knew that if I practiced as much as I could over the summer, I would be able to get on the team by the time the second tryouts came around. So, I practiced as hard and as frequently as I could, and sure enough, I got on the team. If I had given up when I had first hit a setback, I wouldn’t be playing tennis with all my teammates right now. Another time that I was persistent is when I wanted to cut off most of my hair. I had hair down to my waist, and when I asked my mom if I could cut off about 12 inches of it, she was opposed to the idea. However, I gave her good reasons as to why she should let me, and she finally agreed. Lastly, I am persistent when I work on my art. Even though I may not be happy with what I am doing at the time, I know that if I keep working at it, I will improve. Because I do that, my art has improved drastically over the past few