One of the major ways Athena helps Odysseus is when she warns him of his Supreme Ordeal; the final test that proves whether or not Odysseus has proved himself a hero and king. When Odysseus arrives in Ithaca the first person to greet him is Athena, with bad news that suitors have taken over his kingdom and have been using his wife, and queen of Ithaca (Penelope) to become king, by trying to persuade her into marriage. Homer writes in Part Two of “The Odyssey”, “ he arrives in Ithaca after an absence of twenty years. The goddess Athena appears and informs him of the situation at home. Athena [...]directs him…” (Homer 598). This quote proves that Athena was the reason Odysseus was able to succeed in his Supreme Ordeal by killing all the suitors and saving Penelope. Without Athena Odysseus would have had no guidance, no help, and no time to prepare for his final test. Joseph Campbell writes in the monomyth how important allies are by saying “without assistance of their companions and helpers along the way, most heroes would fail miserably” (Campbell). This quote stands by Odysseus when he comes across his Supreme Ordeal, without the help of Athena Odysseus would have failed himself, his wife, and kingdom. Allies and Helpers are extremely important throughout Odysseus’ journey, especially during his final …show more content…
In Odysseus’ case the last obstacle is to save his wife and regain his kingdom by killing the suitors that have invaded Ithaca. With the help of relatives,servants, and Athena, Odysseus will easily be able to succeed in his final task. In Part Two of “The Odyssey” Homer states, “ In blood and dust he saw that the crowd had fallen, many and many slain” (Homer 613). By seeing all of the blood, dust, and bodies of the suitors Odysseus knows he has saved Penelope and all of Ithaca, therefore, he has succeeded in his Supreme Ordeal. From the monomyth Tests and Supreme Ordeal are explained as “ the hero's progress through a series of tests, a set of obstacles that make them stronger, preparing them for their final showdown. Once this obstacle is overcome, the tension will be relieved.” (Campbell). Every other stage of the monomyth is one of Odysseus’ strengthening obstacles.The tension Odysseus has throughout his journey is, whether or not his family and the people of Ithaca are safe. When Odysseus succeeds in killing the suitors it is clear everyone is safe, now that they have their rightful leader back. Tests and Supreme Ordeal is the last stage in a hero's journey, and is extremely important in Odysseus’ position as