Though I’m sure that, secretly, everyone desires to be monarch (and not just because of the luxurious robes and beautiful ball gowns), quite frankly, I would not be useful in the position of power offered by the throne. I wish not for the authority to impose commands, but the power to lead by example, and execute the orders I am given. That is not to say, however, I shall remain completely devoted to my queen, regardless of her choices; I am not merely a knight on her chessboard. I desire the responsibility to perform my duties, yet the power to usurp her throne if morality and logic dictate. I want to be the royal role
Though I’m sure that, secretly, everyone desires to be monarch (and not just because of the luxurious robes and beautiful ball gowns), quite frankly, I would not be useful in the position of power offered by the throne. I wish not for the authority to impose commands, but the power to lead by example, and execute the orders I am given. That is not to say, however, I shall remain completely devoted to my queen, regardless of her choices; I am not merely a knight on her chessboard. I desire the responsibility to perform my duties, yet the power to usurp her throne if morality and logic dictate. I want to be the royal role