Why I Want To Be A Racist

Improved Essays
All throughout my childhood, it seemed that whenever my parents introduced me to somebody---relative, stranger, teacher, playmate--- I would be bombarded by a series of inquiries, my newfound acquaintance seeking to evaluate me as an individual. However, out of all the questions my interrogator could have selected, one always seemed to be the most prevalent: What do you want to be when you grow up? The answer varied day by day: age 5-“a firefighter!” age 7-“a marine biologist!” age 11-“a Broadway star!” age 13-“…” silence. As I finally transitioned into adolescence, all of my hopes for the future became muddled; there were countless possibilities, I had no preference of any particular subject over another, I was confused and frustrated… But now I know exactly what I want to be: I want to be a magical, dragon-riding, warrior princess. It’s as simple as that. I know it’s ambitious, however, I just can’t visualize myself doing anything else. I want to be magical, to use my intelligence to solve problems that are otherwise unsolvable, utilize my powers for the benefit of others. Unfortunately, I do not, at the present moment, possess the aptitude to conjure up fire from my fingertips, or to brew panaceas out of eye of newt and toe of frog, however, I do believe that I possess the …show more content…
Though I’m sure that, secretly, everyone desires to be monarch (and not just because of the luxurious robes and beautiful ball gowns), quite frankly, I would not be useful in the position of power offered by the throne. I wish not for the authority to impose commands, but the power to lead by example, and execute the orders I am given. That is not to say, however, I shall remain completely devoted to my queen, regardless of her choices; I am not merely a knight on her chessboard. I desire the responsibility to perform my duties, yet the power to usurp her throne if morality and logic dictate. I want to be the royal role

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