Why Are We Our Brother's Keeper

Improved Essays
Are we our brother’s keeper?

Throughout the book Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie are almost like brothers because they are so close. George and Lennie always look out for each other even though they don’t have too. Their friendship is unbreakable and they are always there for each other. You can really tell when you read the book of how strong it truly is. The way they talk and act around each other, the reader can definitely tell how strong the bond is between each other. George and Lennie look out for each no matter what.

Lennie threatened to leave George in the beginning of the book because of an argument, but George didn’t want him too. “There are many reasons why teens run away from home. Family conflict, however, is the most common
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It wasn’t that Lennie intended to kill any of them it’s just that Lennie gets nervous and holds on tighter. Some people think that George killed Lennie because he was too dangerous. When really George was looking out for him and he did it to put him in a better place where he wouldn’t hurt anyone or anything. “More often, we kill girlfriend's, husbands, children, parents, friends - and ourselves” (Mel Who We Kill.). George made the decision that he did because Lennie would have gotten hurt for who he hurt. Even this was a big turning point in Of Mice and Men, Lennie died knowing that him and George would be together as friends, forever.

So are we our brother’s keeper? Maybe. No matter what George and Lennie stuck together to look out for each other. They may have stuck together to keep each other safe. This might be explained by Crooks when he was talking about how loneliness could make you almost go mad. We think that George needed to take care of Lennie because if he didn’t he would have the guilt of leaving him most of his life. Also Lennie stuck with George because if he didn’t he would be to scared and not know what to do. So what do you

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