The main one will definitely be among the prostitutes, for the fact that many of these women work in this field because they were sold, kidnapped, they own a debt, or because poverty they do not have any other choice. Other problem that the documentary lights up is how men are giving women this image of objectification. Men seem women as sexual objects, making them not care for them emotionally or physically, they also do not treat them with respect, and have lack of care of knowing the reasons of females being there.
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Sexual transmitted diseases (STD’s) are being spread easier and uncontrollably. Men, who often pay for sexual relations, are married or in a relationship, which makes the risks of their wives or partners getting STD’s higher. Another factor that shows Whores’ Glory is how religion and cultural beliefs are considered in this practice. Specifically in Bangladesh and Mexico, these beliefs are taking in consideration when prostitutes make their work. For instance in Bangladesh prostitutes do not practice oral sex, because their mouth should be sacred.
Weigh Bias
The documentary was bias, due to the fact that the many prostitutes that were interviewed shared different point of views of how they felt about practice this job; they also shared diversity on their reasons of working in this field. While some females explained how they liked to gain money by making this type of job, other shared their emotional stories of how they were sold by their families due to poverty. The documentary also focused in three different countries around the world, so this way it compared how each place is similar and different from one to other.
Look at the Issue from Both