Louis. An 18-year-old African American male was fired at and shot to death by 28 year old Darren Wilson, a Caucasian police officer from Ferguson. The controversy of this situation and incident of this shooting earned a sizeable amount of attention in the United States and the government, as well as amongst the citizens causing a dynamic debate involving demands for law changes in the relationships with African-Americans, additionally the amount of authority that the police can use against the citizens in Missouri, and worldwide; reminding citizens of the nature of white privilege that still exist in the United States and how it affects and disadvantages many living in the
Louis. An 18-year-old African American male was fired at and shot to death by 28 year old Darren Wilson, a Caucasian police officer from Ferguson. The controversy of this situation and incident of this shooting earned a sizeable amount of attention in the United States and the government, as well as amongst the citizens causing a dynamic debate involving demands for law changes in the relationships with African-Americans, additionally the amount of authority that the police can use against the citizens in Missouri, and worldwide; reminding citizens of the nature of white privilege that still exist in the United States and how it affects and disadvantages many living in the