White Privilege In The Social Justice System

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White privilege is a topic that is always existing and has for a period of time, but it is not talked about that often and actions are not taken against it. This issue is difficult to diminish because the majority of people that are in authority are most like to be caucasians who are in that position thanks to the power of white privilege. It has cause many problems and caused many cases of unfair of treatment anywhere from inside a personal household to a community, to the society, and all the way to the institutional level, and can be the source of systematic discriminations as far as to the federal government and to the supreme court. 
Unfair treatment in the workplace, in the social justice system may be an effect for life threatening issues. An example of this that I wall be discussing in my paper will involve a case that happened recently, comprised of the association with an African American victim and a Caucasian authority. …show more content…
Louis. An 18-year-old African American male was fired at and shot to death by 28 year old Darren Wilson, a Caucasian police officer from Ferguson. The controversy of this situation and incident of this shooting earned a sizeable amount of attention in the United States and the government, as well as amongst the citizens causing a dynamic debate involving demands for law changes in the relationships with African-Americans, additionally the amount of authority that the police can use against the citizens in Missouri, and worldwide; reminding citizens of the nature of white privilege that still exist in the United States and how it affects and disadvantages many living in the

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