Rosalind Hursthouse is a Professor of Philosophy at University of Auckland, and in her paper, “Virtue Theory and Abortion”, she uses virtue theory to respond to critics by using it how it may be show in the debate of abortion. (Hursthouse 849) Hursthouse begins her paper with explaining virtue theory, which dictates whether an action would be preformed by a virtuous person. One of the key principles of virtue theory are that action are right if and only if acted as a virtuous person would. Another is “A virtuous agent is one who acts virtuously; that is one who has and exercises the virtues”, and the last one is that a virtue is human trait that is required for a human to flourish or live well. (Hursthouse 850) Some objections to virtue theory she addresses and defends against are that idea of human flourishing is to obscure, the theory is circular, the theory is …show more content…
In her paper, “A Defense of Abortion”, she argues that abortion is morally allowed in cases where the mother’s life is not in danger. She also argues that this is true even the case when a human fetus is given person, which a counter argument given by those who believe abortion is never morally permissible. (Thomson 817-18) Throughout her paper she also argues woman’s rights, and how she also has rights not just her fetus, if it is grant person hood. She begins her paper by granting the fetus person-hood, and precedes to argues weakness is the argument and cases where that idea does not bare substance.(Thomson 818) To explain this, Thomson uses many analogies, which she employs as ideas equivalent to