With the victory of the American army commanded by General Anthony Wayne on August 20, 1794 he defeated an American Indian force. With that victory going to General Anthony Wayne the American Indians living in the west knew they had to sue for peace. In January of 1795, representatives from various tribes met with Wayne. The American Indians and Anglo-American settlers spent the next eight months negotiating a treaty, and this treaty became known as the Treaty of Greeneville. On August 3, 1795 leaders of many tribes including Delaware, Shawnee, and Miami formally signed the treaty. …show more content…
Marys River in 56. It also established the boundary line between the Creek Nation and the United States and it bound together the Creek Nation to show where the boundaries were. When this treaty was written, there were no boundaries between Spanish American and the United States established, so this treaty allowed the Creek chiefs to officially acknowledge the Florida-Georgia boundary line with Spain. Finally the Treaty of Colerain stated that the President Of the United States could establish a military or trading post.
The Treaty of Ghent was helpful in the development of the west because it ended the war. The Treaty of Colerain was helpful because it confirmed the boundary lines of a few different places, and finally the Treaty of Greeneville was helpful because it brought peace between the American Indians and the