While there was no tyrannical, violent king that was overthrown like King Louis XVI during the French Revolution, or no oppressed proletariat class that replaced the ruling class like in the Russian Revolution, the American Revolution was still truly revolutionary because it changed nearly every aspect of life for the colonists, and America as we know it today would not exist. There economic, political, and social upheaval as a result of gaining independence from England.
The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783, and it marked the end of the Revolutionary War. Great Britain had to recognize American independence and gave up the land between the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania and the Mississippi River. The United …show more content…
Primogeniture is an English law in which land is inherited by the first born son. Land was a status symbol, and without it a man was considered a second-class citizen. As a result of this custom, land in the colonies would remain in the hands of very few, and therefore very few would stay in power. Those who didn’t own land would be forced to pay quitrents to the King. This feudal system was extremely oppressive, and the landless would be powerless and unrepresented. After the Revolution, Loyalist land was seized and divided up or sold for profit for the new government. This allowed the gap between the landholders and the landless to be bridged. The removal of the Loyalists helped to alleviate the economic gap, allowed the disenfranchised landless to be heard, and generated profit for the new …show more content…
Prior to the revolution, ministers, particularly Puritans, were very misogynistic. They thought that men were morally superior. It was enlightened leaders realized the importance of education women after the revolution. Women were the ones primarily raising children, and therefore in order to ensure successful future for the country, women must be educated so they could teach their children. This ideology came to be known as “Republican Motherhood.”
Abigail Adams famously told her husband John Adams to “remember the ladies” when he was drafting the new government. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." It is this powerful belief in equality that influenced women’s rights activists at Seneca Falls, New York. Their “Declaration of Sentiments” was modeled after the Declaration of Independence. Women were granted the right to vote in