Essay On Second Shift

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The United States has advanced in medical technology and techniques over the past decade. One would think the population would become healthier, and mortality rates would drop, but the deep “health divide” between economic classes would say otherwise. The upper class has access to better healthcare due to better income, sick days, and connections. The lower class suffers from bad income, less spare time, and low connections to healthcare. The United States therefore ranks in the lower half of the most developed countries. Income is a factor in health care that may devastate the lower classes and sparingly bless the upper classes. For the poor, many work for long hours in dangerous working hazards. For example, many Hispanic workers work in agriculture with pesticide toxicity. According to Berkman’s statistics, that is 100,000 deaths in a year. Another example of why income devastates the poor is the idea of not being able to go home on sick days. This creates the inability for a parent …show more content…
Second shift is a woman being responsible for the child and the household work. Although this may be the definition, I believe a second shift is a woman that takes care of the household (including the child) after her real job. Many poor families deal with my ideal definition of a second shift. Women work for intensive hours and come home to deal with household work due to the difference in gender. Women are expected to do both in lower classes, which lowers their gender aspects and their health care. The true definition of this kind of woman is called supermom. The idea of being a “supermom” is impressive, but the workload is stressful. Coming from a traditional Korean family, where a father is viewed as a “king” and a mother as a chore filler, I have seen the intense division between a mother and father. In my opinion, men and women should share the chores in the

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