Health inequality is when the health of two or more people is decided based on their socioeconomic situation. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, social class is “a division of a society based on social and economic status.” There are three types of social class. The first type of class is what sociologists refer to as the upper class. Class number two is referred to as the middle class. Class number three is referred to as the lower class. The people in these three classes are often referred to as the rich people, in between the rich and the poor people, and the poor people. This paper will show how each group …show more content…
The United State of America have the highest number of IMR (infant mortality rate) in children despite the amount of money they spend on health care. According to FAS Congressional Research Service investigated whether the unreliable recording of births could be the reason the U.S has a high infant mortality rates (IMR). The result came back and they did find out that there was some inconsistency with the recording. The error was not significant enough to explain the large gap. We also have one of the lowest life expectancies of any developed nations and there isn 't really any controversy about that statistic. The most likely reason is because we have an unequal distribution of wealth and resources. Also, health care system. The same thing most likely causes high infant mortality rate. When it comes to economic status, women with higher incomes are less likely to have an infant die because they have the money and resources to avoid that. The relationship between economic status and the IMR is quite simple in general. It goes like this, people with higher incomes are in better health than people with low incomes. Economic status may also be related to access to health insurance and to the quality of health care received, and that it self affect infant health both directly and indirectly through health and health system. So basically it …show more content…
Obesity problem leads too all sorts of different kinds of diseases like cardiovascular problems, musculoskeletal problems and diabetics. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2011), obesity rates are rising in all of the countries around the world. According too Wallace Huffman and his research team, the United States has the highest obesity rate in the world. There are several factors that contributing to the rise of obesity in the world and in the U.S. Some of the factors include are Improvements in technology and reeducation in family size have led to a reduction of work to be done in household production. Unhealthy market goods like processed foods, sweetened drinks are replacing home made produced goods. Adults and kids are growing out to be more inactive. For example computer games, web surfing, and T.V are keep us inside and away from exploring the world. Another cause of the obesity problem is that machines are doing all the work for us now. For example, more workers are shifting from active work to service industries. The Increased access to passive transportation has led to more people driving and doing less walking. Obesity and weight issues have significant social costs including lower life expectancies and higher shared healthcare