#2 – Generic or Intrinsic conception The generic conception of Psalm 1 promotes the way of the righteous by representing characteristics and outcomes of a righteous man in comparison to characteristics and outcomes of an ungodly man through a song.
#3 – Observations
- Literary: o In Psalm 1, there are clear contrast and illustration present. Psalm 1 makes a contrast between a righteous man and the ungodly. The author takes this comparison further by using an illustration. He compares the righteous to the tree planted by the rivers of water, bearing fruits in his seasons. However, the ungodly are like the chaff, useless and perishing. There is also a slight proportion because 4 verses are dedicated …show more content…
Here, the law can be referred to the Mosaic Law. God’s people truly delighted in the law and wished to achieve the law by studying it, coming up with many regulations, and keeping it. Also in the same verse, the word “meditate” originally means to mumble or mutter repetitively. This can explain why Jews are mumbling repetitively when they are praying.
#4 – Interpretation A common misinterpretation of Psalm 1 is that people can take out verse 2 only and meditate on how a righteous man is supposed to meditate on the law of the Lord day and night. Therefore, they may meditate on the Scripture day and night thinking that is righteousness, and if they do that, God will bless them. They may also try to avoid and judge non-Christians because they are sinners, not knowing Christ yet. A proper interpretation of Psalm 1 is to know that this is a song, which means lyrics carry a certain meaning, purpose, or a story. The purpose of Psalm 1 is to encourage listeners to follow God’s way and law and become a righteous man because Lord delights in those people. It is not to judge ungodly and promote distinction from them.
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