“But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.” (Psalm 1:2, Living Bible). Psalm 1:2 uses the antithetical parallelism. The antithetical parallelism communicates a different idea in the second part of the verse than in the first part of the …show more content…
They blow away like chaff before the wind.” (Psalm 1:4, Living Bible). Psalm 1:4 uses a synonymous parallelism. The second part of the line is communicating the same idea as the first part of the line. Both lines speak of the consequences of sinners.
“They are not safe on Judgment Day; they shall not stand among the godly.” (Psalm 1:5, Living Bible). This verse is also a synonymous parallelism. The same idea is conveyed in both lines. Not being associated with god is not being safe on Judgment Day.
“For the Lord watches over all the plans and paths of godly men, but the paths of the godless lead to doom.” (Psalm 1:6, Living Bible). This verse is an antithetical parallelism. The second part of the verse is in contrast with the first part of the verse. The Lord knows the future of the righteous, but the ungodly will perish.
The overall significance of the parallelism of Psalm 1 is the manner in which the godly are continually blessed while the ungodly are condemned. Circumstances of the godly are described positively while the ungodly are described negatively. The choice to live godly brings forth fruit while the choice of ungodly brings