Frankenstein” is a poem about a monster that came to know God, but was turned away from him. The monster in the poem seems to be an imaginary thing that is scary to be around. In the poem the men the poet makes leave simile is telling us that he was comparing the men that made him have a idea about what he was supposed to write and keep to himself. This idea came up when he talked about the vehicle stuck in reverse. That same line in the poem also compares the vehicle to the monster he made because it basically means that he cannot undo what has been done and it cannot be brought back. He uses the Adam and Eve story in this poem because when Eve turned from God and ate from the forbidden tree, she then went to Adam and he also ate from the tree too. This meant that for them they had turned from God, and could not take back what was already done. Nothing they did could be “tamed.” The message in this poem means that you cannot change what has already been said or done, you just have to move on in the …show more content…
They feel as if they cannot “stop time” in order for them to get their lives straightened out for the better. This poem is also a biblical praise that is used in worship. In the poem, however, it is said to be that they are more involved with each other than they are with each other in their worship. The praise and worship that they felt they needed made them feel something or someone that wanted them to be saved. It shows that they were more afraid of the bad and wrong than the light that made things better and made them feel something good. So, in the end of the poem, the men said a prayer and asked to be saved from all the wrong they had possibly done. If it does not happen the first time, just keep on praying till you feel that you are forgiven and saved. The message of the poem is that you should never give up on the hope of being forgiven and saved. You just need to have faith and to keep on trying and