The “weeping prophet” Jeremiah used the mournful song as a way to convey the bitter situation that the Israelites were going through in Jerusalem. Jeremiah witnessed the famine, the stop of public worship and other adversities. God’s punishment is also the symbol of justice. God cares about everybody and he loves all of his children. However, sinners have to be responsible to what they have done. The whole city of Jerusalem was suffering, but Jeremiah had faith in God. Sorrow is not the end of the sins. God is kind and he would not allow his children to suffer all the time. Jeremiah’s faithfulness leads the reader to the theme of Lamentations, which is that sins happens sometimes, however, God always brings hope to people when they are desperate. As long as people return to God with regrets of what they have done to confess their sins, worship God humbly with faith and love, God is always with his children and gives them love and forgiveness. The book of Lamentations has five chapters, which implies that the third chapter might be the central focus of the book. The first two poems talk about the people from the city of Jerusalem, who cried out for mercy. Each chapter in the book is divided into 22 stanzas except chapter 3, which has 66 verses. Chapter three uses the long length of the book to describe the miseries of the Israelites. …show more content…
The stories of Lamentations are full of mournful and weeping thoughts. In modern life, several evidences confirms the truth that the consequences of disobeying nature’s aspiration. As an example, Syrian refugees are like the Israelites in the city of Jerusalem. The government in Syria and surrounding countries have been having conflicts for years. During the national wars, the Syrians are suffering due to the unstable social situation. Tons of children lost their parents, people are dying because of hunger, the safety of the citizens cannot be guaranteed, and the whole country and area is total’ a mess. The Syrian refugees clearly understand that what is the feeling to be hunted to death by their government’s enemies and to suffer the loss of land, families and lives. Obviously the Syrian refugees are not the only people that are suffering in sorrow. Painful conflicts are widespread among cities and cities, countries and countries. The behavior of the Syrian government and other terrorists has been making a tensive atmosphere that every citizen is panic in pain. Social media gives people the way to aware the tears of the Syrian refugees. Faithfulness teaches people in modern life that never gives up hope. God is always there for everyone, even though the sinners have done wrong things. The Lord gives human beings