In 2009, Qantas Australian Airlines announced their support for sustainable tourism through the implementation of the program, Qantas Award for Excellence in Sustainable Tourism. The aim of this award program was to encourage other large Australian Tourism Operators to minimalize the impact they play on the natural environment, preserve natural resources, as well as respect local culture and communities (Qantas Corporate Communication, 2009). Qantas recognizes the impact their business plays on the environment and …show more content…
The Qantas Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) uses a variety of different plans to show their commitment in reconciliation and helping change the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, by endorsing values, which reflect the culture and heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (, 2015).
Qantas also plays a role in helping strengthen Australian communities through creating partnerships, which are designed to benefit everyone. Qantas maintains their position as a major economic driver by engaging and partnering with large and Australian known initiatives such as: Australian Made, Make-A-Wish Australia, UNICEF Australia and Women of the future (, 2015). These partnership benefits both parties, as it gives Qantas a reputable name and ensures the promotion of the aims and values of both