What Are We Decriminalize Anti Drugs

Decent Essays
The world today uses all kinds of legal drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and OTC (Over the Counter) drugs. They are popular all around the world especially with our youth today. Every day companies and alcohol brand are coming up with new flavors to increase their sales and get consumers to consume more alcohol. Our youth are even seeing their role models (e.g. celebrities and athletes) promote this alcohol brands in commercials, on the radio, and in magazines. Tobacco is also a drug that is commonly used today. Today, we have different flavors of tobacco. We even have bars (e.g. Hookah bars) to go and hang with friends while smoking and enjoying drinks with one another. OTC drugs are now starting to be abused in the world (e.g. cough syrup). Youth are following their role models such as Lil Wayne. The youth knows he drinks on cough syrup now called lean. So they think if he does it then it is cool if they do it. Then we start to abuse the over the counter drugs because if we feel some kind of way there is a pill in the world to help us with these problems or pain we are feeling. These legal drugs are becoming popular every day and the government is just making more money by taxing these legal drugs.
I believe that psychological and sociological dependence both play a very huge role in drug use
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I do not think that will be good idea for all illegal drugs. I believe that if we did that with all drugs then it would make more people in the world want to try these dugs even more and could cause damage to the world. I would agree to decriminalize for the drug marijuana. This drug has not shown signs to be dangerous to society and I have never heard of anybody overdosing on this drug. This drug is a plant and helps cure a lot of health problems. If this drug was legalized in the entire world and not just some states the government could tax and help increase revenue just like they are doing with alcohol, tobacco, and OTC

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