About 60 percent of Americans are worried about drug use and eventually consider to be a serious problems. In late 19th century in the South there were many white people were scared that cocaine would come out from African Americans who may do crimes or either becomes violent to white people which this was a myth. In general all drugs are very addictive and dangerous because of the danger they cause in one’s body and the social problems that they bring to the community.
Like alcohol has a long history in our country while culture plays a bug role in it. Alcohol when first introduced by Europeans it was known as good drug and this changed in late 19th century as immigration increased and all the opinions which were negative about alcohol started and changed the whole perspective of how people use alcohol which turned to immigrants to be defined with alcohol problems ( Pleck ,1987; Unrau, 1996 ). There are reasons to why people use drugs which includes: Therapeutic uses which comes with the drug is being a benefit to an individual dual to medical reasons. The medical reasons are to control seizures, depression and to reduce pain. Another reason is for recreational use which is for relaxing purposes. The other one is for spiritual uses which depends with ones originations like Native Americans uses for changing how they perceive the world. The other reason is to escape the everyday life crisis and the last one is by social conformity which is enforced by peer pressure. There are types of drugs which are stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, cannabis, steroids, and prescription drugs. Stimulants are drugs that increase energy in a person and they are mostly used in activities that needs high energy like sports. …show more content…
Stimulants are mostly used in everyday life in our country. Stimulants includes caffeine, nicotine, Ritalin, Adderall, cocaine, crack and amphetamines. Like consumption of nicotine which can come from smoking cigarettes and it carries the most health risk to people. The research shows that 30 percent of adult’s smokes and the people from the Middle West has a high rate of smoking. According to the World Health Organization (2013), one billion individuals have smoked a cigarettes and 80 percent of these individuals are the middle and low income earners. Depressants are drugs that are used in order to slow the central nervous system. There is one depressant that is known to reduce the pain that is called analgesics. A study that was conducted at the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC) in India ruled out that prescription drugs have been the common initial start among drug abusers. The study reported that among the group that are more affected are the women which is 36 percent uses prescription of opioid. It was reported that one can stay using the prescription without knowing they are depending on it and even the physician may have no idea that the