Drug addiction is a substance abuse disorder, it is when an individual is dependent on a drug-recreational, or medicinal. Having a drug addiction can cause many problems. For example, for an adolescent it can cause interpersonal relationship and school problems. The addiction can become so powerful that one can replace or forget their partners for the effects of the drug. Some adolescents might miss out on their education, due to peer pressure to use drugs during school hours. A study conducted by Henry (2010) surveyed eleventh grade students from a district in the Midwestern United States. The results of the survey demonstrated that truancy was a common behavior among students with drug use. Other studies too have shown that drug use (alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco) is very common for adolescents while in school (Falck et al., 2012). By having students leave the class to participate in this type of inappropriate behavior, it can unmotivated the student to learn which can potentially lead to the student dropping out of
Drug addiction is a substance abuse disorder, it is when an individual is dependent on a drug-recreational, or medicinal. Having a drug addiction can cause many problems. For example, for an adolescent it can cause interpersonal relationship and school problems. The addiction can become so powerful that one can replace or forget their partners for the effects of the drug. Some adolescents might miss out on their education, due to peer pressure to use drugs during school hours. A study conducted by Henry (2010) surveyed eleventh grade students from a district in the Midwestern United States. The results of the survey demonstrated that truancy was a common behavior among students with drug use. Other studies too have shown that drug use (alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco) is very common for adolescents while in school (Falck et al., 2012). By having students leave the class to participate in this type of inappropriate behavior, it can unmotivated the student to learn which can potentially lead to the student dropping out of