Walt moved a lot as a kid and who dropped out of an art institute in Chicago to enlist in the army. Sadly, he was rejected from the army. In 1919, Walt moved to Kansas City he laded a series of jobs until he found an employment in a film industry. However, his cartoons were not as popular and compatible to keep a business going. The company went bankrupt. Once this failure occurred, he packed up and moved to Hollywood. While living in Hollywood he wanted to be an actor but that never happened. Newspaper editors fired Walt for his lack imagination of creative ideas. Walt also went bankrupt several times before he could ever-built Disneyland. While he was a critic for lack of creativity and all the failures he went through. Walt Disney never gave up; he kept trying and moving forward with life. He knew that success is not from what the opportunities would bring to us individuals but the determination and courage in failure in which to keep us motived towards success. Now that Walt is no longer around, his legacy still going on and is the most successful parks and company …show more content…
I would like to start working more in-depth with this topic. I want to be able to raise awareness on this depressing topic that is occurring throughout Michigan. This is a topic I never knew how bad it was in Michigan until I did my research for work. I want to advocate to end human trafficking and also team up with organization to help raise awareness on labor and sex trafficking. Human trafficking is modern day slavery that needs to end and that this industry makes nearly 32 billion a year. This topic is never brought up and always looking at. This is a problem and needs to be brought to attention. I am currently looking at organizations in Michigan’s that would allow me to be an intern for them, for my internship in January. Sadly, others around me think it is a horrible Idea and sadly, some of them will not accept inters in public health but will except those in degrees in psychology. I also wrote a letter to CMU Life about putting an educational article in the newspaper or on their Facebook page and I was rejected. I am determined to start a student group this coming fall term to promoted and advocate on ending human trafficking. I only hope that my fellow classmates will join me. With a positive attitude, hard work and have perseverance I will