Logan, Robert Walker, and Gretchen Hunt, the authors are addressing the issues of human trafficking. Giving readers an understanding of what human trafficking is, the contributing factors, and provides ways to identify human traffick victims. Human trafficking is now being considered modern day slavery and has been receiving increasing amount of national attention. Data from previous research and reports, found that trafficking does not always start off as sex labor, giving examples of different ways individuals are lured to the US for marriage and work, then traded into trafficking.The articles addressed industries with high traffic victim rates like pornography(3%-30%), personal services(1%-37%) , and agricultural labor(10%-46%)(Logan,Walker,and Hunt,2009). The analysis of nine reports on human trafficking suggests that human trafficking does not exist in the United states, due to the trouble of identifying victims and low reporting rates. If the US would make identification and services a high priority for trafficked victims, rates for identifying victims will increase. Starting within the community, like Atlanta University students, to take initiative and invite people from the community, city council, and state council to get …show more content…
2,515 suspected cases of human trafficking were reopened and according to data provided by the Human Trafficking Reporting System(HTRS), a third(619) of the cases opened for investigation were human trafficking cases. Most suspected incidents of human trafficking were classified as sex trafficking(82%) , eleven percent of incidents were classified as labor trafficking, and seven percent was unknown trafficking. Reports of child trafficking was also reported in this study, about 1,000 incidents involved sexual exploitation of a child(Banks & Kyckelhahn,2011). Informing people of the community about reports like HTRS, keeps them aware of the severity human