Wal-Mart attempts to have a people and group based organizational culture. They want employees to enjoy working at Wal-Mart and working together. It is important for Wal-Mart so that employees feel as though they make a difference and care about the business. It is also important to make Wal-Mart an enjoyable workplace to make up for the low wages and lack of benefits. It also important to garner positive attitudes from employees as it helps prevent unionization. Sam Walton was a savvy businessmen and decided to strategically place Wal-Mart stores in small rural towns in areas that did not already have a large retailer. Walton also decided another tenet of Wal-Marts business would be guarantee …show more content…
Happy employees meant a better experience for the business and the customer. He believed that employees should share the idea that they were all working together for the same purpose and goal. Walton wanted the company to be customer oriented and therefore service oriented in its pursuits. Walton believed employees were so important that he considered them the best for coming up with new ideas. Walton said “Listen to your associates. They’re the best idea generators.”(Wal-Mart’s Organizational Culture) In order to reach all the employees, Walton set up a survey to get all the possible opinions. Not only would Wal-Mart get inside information about what could be improved in their stores, but they employees would feel more included and valued. He encouraged an outcome based culture as well as people and group culture. Walton had bonuses for employees if they reached certain goals. This gave employees purpose helped drive them to perform better. The bonuses also gave a sense of camaraderie as they had to work together in order to meet some of their goals. Another way Walton tried to make Wal-Mart employees feel included in the business was by selling Wal-Mart stock at a discount to …show more content…
This gave managers more perspective what their subordinates faced and employees more respect for their managers. Walton said it best when he said, “It 's more important than ever that we develop leaders who are servants, who listen to their partners – their associates – in a way that creates wonderful morale to help the whole team accomplish an overall goal.”(Wal-Mart’s Organizational Culture) Walton applied the same concepts for providing great customer service to building a better work team. Walton’s idea that “Whether it 's a request from a store across the country or a call from an associate down the hall, we do our very best to give our customers, and each other, same-day service.” made customers as well as employees feel important and significant. Walton also had employees apply the ten foot rule to better interact with customers. The ten foot rule was that whenever an associate was within ten feet from a customer they should try to interact and help the