Volstead Act Research Paper

Superior Essays
How was the Volstead Act applied to American citizens differently for the African American then the White Americans?
It was January 17, 1920 around 12:01 am, when the United States of American enacted the Volstead Act, make the US officially “dry.” The 18th amendment which was ratified in 1919, but enacted in 1920, outlawed the transportation, sale, or manufacture of any intoxicating liquor from or to the United States of American. Throughout our history, the ratification and enactment of the 18th amendment, is commonly known as the Volstead Act. This amendment was name after the US representative, Andrew J. Volstead, who was a major supporter for outlawing alcoholic beverages which had an alcoholic content more than 0.5%. Andrew J. Volstead only allowed alcohol, above the 0.5% alcoholic content, for wine use by Jews and Catholics for religious purposes (Michael Lerner). The thirteen years that the Volstead Act was enforced, became known as the “Alcoholic Prohibition” or simply just
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Though recreational Marijuana is illegal is most states, the African American individuals have suffered the short end of the stick yet again. A study was conducting to see which race used more Marijuana for recreational use and which race was more likely to get incarnated for recreational use of Marijuana. This study showed that white individual between the age of 18-25, we’re using Marijuana for recreational use more than Black individuals between the same age bracket. Yet, white individuals only led by a minute amount. However, the incarceration rate were flipped, though less Black individuals used Marijuana for recreational use, they were more likely to get incarcerated for recreational use of Marijuana. Black individuals are roughly 1.6 times more likely to get incarcerated for Recreational use of Marijuana than White individuals (Dylan Matthews). These statistics are seen in the appendix in Table 1 and Table

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