By: Olivia Jansen
What is the Prohibition? The Prohibition was the 18th Amendment added to the constitution. It was passed by Congress on December 18, 1917. By 1919, 48 states had ratified the amendment. It banned the production, sale, and possession of "intoxicating beverages" was illegal. "Intoxicating beverages" can be defined as half of 1 percent alcohol by volume. Beer was about 3-7 percent alcohol and wine was about 15 percent. Although alcohol was considered illegal, it did not lessen the craving to drink. People wanted these beverages during dinner, parties, and at bars or saloons. However, certain loopholes to this amendment were enacted. Permits were given for the production of alcohol, if the alcohol was used for medicinal, religious, and industrial use. Advocates of the Temperance promoted that the only fix to alcohol abuse was the government to eliminate it completely. The Prohibition was mostly supported by women, churches, employers, and political reformers. Once the Amendment was enacted people were seen pouring their alcohol into the streets in order to remove it from their possession. However, many Americans did not feel the need to stop drinking. Before the Prohibition, saloons and bars were the …show more content…
Bootlegging was the ability to make, and distribute illegal alcohol. Bootleggers would also smuggle alcohol from Canada and Mexico. Bootleg alcohol was expensive and sometimes unsanitary. Bootleggers made the alcohol in makeshift distilleries or bathtubs. This liquor was typically poor in quality and could be considered a health hazard. A very well-known bootlegger and gangster was Al Capone. Al Capone flourished in the bootlegging business. According to Capone bootlegging "satisfied a public demand". Capone made his money by a way of business called "supply and demand". The people wanted alcohol (demand) and Capone gave them the alcohol (supply). Thus creating his