Veterans Day Never Forget Their Duty Analysis

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From the beginning of American people have been helping develop a nation to be its absolute greatest. Helping your nation is one of the key objectives to success. Many definitions of Americans could be made in many different ways. In "What is an American?", "What is Freedom?", and "Veterans Day: Never Forget Their Duty" there are plenty of definitions of an American. Identifying them can be seen as negation, function, exemplification, and classification.
According to the article "What is an American" there are many reasons Americans are who they are. The article uses negation to show what Americans are not in this quote, "A country that had no bread for him, whose fields procured him no harvest, who met with nothing but the frowns of the rich, the severity of the laws, with jails and punishments; who owned not a single foot of the extensive surface of the planet" (J. Hector 32). The meaning of an American by this article is that they have a country to give food, and they can harvest their own food and be free. In "What is an American" it uses function and also states," The American ought, therefor, to love this country much better than that where either he or his forefathers were born"
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57). Freedom is not something that is so easy to get and has taken hundreds of years to get. People every day go out for the country to protect and enforce its laws so the common American can live their day out normally. The article uses negation and also says, "...Freedom means doing what I want to do not what the Government wants me to do" (57). Freedom is expressed in many ways whether it’s religion, speech, or one of the other many freedoms. All Americans have freedom while they live out their normal days. Although some Americans have more than others when it comes down to

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