history. One may wonder how The Declaration of Independence supports the argument. This statement encompasses a host of questions: How does the Declaration contradict its own purpose? How can there be any flaws in such a document that has been reviewed word by word? Keep in mind that The Declaration of Independence, was written in 1774, which was a different time than we live in today. The Declaration states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This quotation states that all people are created equally and should be treated as so. This quotation counteracts what its purposes were for because, at the time, any non-white people were made as slaves or minorities. Jefferson uses “we” as in the rich white men, which had total control at the time. It is not fair that this document was written to give the idea of equality but was never acted upon. The Declaration was created by white men who had power and money. In other words, the Declaration was the idea of unity between the white men to give an impression of equality; which resulted in division. Since the beginning of this country, the division has always been there, whether it was race, gender, or class. The contradiction made by the Declaration supports the …show more content…
by Richard Rodriguez, relates to the argument stated by Moser and Watters. Richard Rodriguez states, “It is hard to look at a photograph of a crowd taken, say in 1890 or in 1930 and nor notice the absence of blacks. (It becomes an impertinence to wonder if America still exists)” (Rodriguez 191). This quotation states that it is disrespectful to even think if America still exists because it never existed. The white people were the only ones in the picture because the blacks and minorities were working. America set up an image that consisted of only white people. An image can say all sorts of things, but not all of them are true. Americans are supposed to be treated and be respected equally but is not shown. The photographs that were shown from the past are examples of “Americans”, but unseen