Parents always want what’s best for their children and enjoy their childhood. When it comes to media and technology, parents want to be extremely cautious of what network, movie, or cartoons their children are watching. Most parents want to sit there with their children and make sure nothing goes wrong. From “Marketing, Media, and the First Amendment: What’s Best for Children,” Susan Linn suggests parents should use the V-chip to assist in monitoring what children can watch on television. I think it is a great idea to do so; the children won’t be exposed to sex, violence, drugs, nudity, and pregnancies at an early age. Parents want to enjoy precious moments with their children and not expose them too quickly to what’s being shown on the TV. We live in the age of technology and commercialization and everything on television is not suitable for viewing by young children or children of any age no matter how appealing the television make things sound. Parents are working hard to raise their children in the way they should go in life and business people are working all night long to capture the attention of the newest consumer group “our children.” And although this is happening, parents have to step up to the plate and do the right thing, monitor what our children are watching on television. This paper will outlined ways to monitor what your children watch on TV. Firstly, according to an article entitled “The V-chip: Putting Restrictions on What Your Children Can Watch” it is obvious that the V-chip is definitely needed. …show more content…
The V-chip allows parents or other caregivers to block programming on their television that they don’t want children to watch.” It further states that “television programs are now assigned a rating according to a system established by the television industry. The rating is encoded with the program before it airs. Parents can use the remote control to program the V-chip to block the display of programs that carry certain ratings (The V-chip..2014)” The article outlines the requirements needed for the V-chip including the size of the television, FCC Actions, television program ratings, movies ratings, and how to program the V-chip. Since January 2000, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has required all new television sets 13 inches or larger to contain a V-chip. You can usually tell whether your television has a V-chip by looking at the packaging. If you no longer have the packaging, V-chip-equipped televisions will have the V-chip option displayed on the menu. Several FCC Actions have been passed protecting consumers. In 2008, Congress passed the Child Safe Viewing Act that directed the FCC to study the existence and availability of advanced blocking technologies parents can use to protect children from indecent or objectionable video or audio programming. Then in 2009, the FCC issued a report to Congress summarizing its findings. The report discussed the kinds of advanced blocking technologies and other parental control tools that are available for each kind of media. Also, in 1996, Congress asked the television industry to establish a voluntary rating system for TV programs. In response, the National Association of Broadcasters, the National Cable Television Association, and the Motion Picture Association of America created the rating system known as “TV Parental Guidelines.” Ratings appear in the upper …show more content…
That was a startling fact. If you are not setting rules or limits on your child’s viewing habits, that’s 32 hours of potentially inappropriate content your child could be exposed to. It’s also time your child is spending not participating in other activities, such as educational games or outdoor fun. There are some educational games on TV that’s quite enjoying. Here are some useful tips for how to effectively monitor your child’s television time. According to an article entitled “How to Monitor Your Child’s TV Time,” here are some advice for parents:
Set limits for your child. Let the child how much time he can watch TV each day, perhaps one hour. Let him know when he is young so he later he has grown accustomed to this rule. As he grows older, he will be used to the idea and find other ways to occupy himself. Being physically active plays an important role in the development of a child’s body and mind. And besides participating in an exercise program can be so much