Unknown I. D. Project Report

Decent Essays
Now days, microorganisms are very important to identify to Genus and species because they can cause various diseases. We need to know that what helpful or harmful microbe in this environment. This project’s purpose is to identify an unknown bacterium by various methods. Most stains used in microbiology are differential stain, which use more than one dye so that different cells, chemicals, or structures such as Gram staining, TTC reduction, Oxygen requirement test, Catalase test, Nitrate test, Motility, Triple Sugar test, Carbohydrate Fermentation test, and the IMViC test. Especially, the Gram stain differentiates between two large groups of microorganisms.
Plan 03-05-16
The Unknown I.D. Project determines identification of a bacterium,
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These are based on creating and matching biochemical profiles of the production of enzymes, acids and gases by isolated pure cultures of a given microorganism.
Evidence 03-22-16
My unknown cell shape is cocci and gram reaction is positive. Using Gram Stain Chart (Dichotomous key) and Catalase test, which is specified by the Gram Stain Chart to lead to my unknown’s proper Strike Chart. Catalase test is positive result, so I got two Strike Charts which are Staphylococcus and Micrococcus, Planococcus and Sporosarcina from Mrs.Terri. I need to figure out my unknown cell trough theses charts.
Analysis 05-02-16 The Gram positive unknown is identified to be cocci and Catalase positive result. Through this test, my result is narrowed Micrococcus, Planococcus, Sporosarcina, and Staphylococcus. This deduction is reached with several bits of evidence. Firstly, a Facultative Oxygen requirements result is eliminated Micrococcus, Planococcus, and Sporosarcina. A positive Acetion production is eliminated S. caseolyticus,S. gallinarum, S. hyicus subsp. hyicus, S. hyicus subsp. chromogenes, S. intermedius, S. lentus, S. saccharolyticus, S. sciuri, and S. simulans. A negative Oxidase result is eliminated M. kristinae and S. xylosus. A negative Urea hydrolysis is eliminated S. cohnii subsp.2, S. epidermidis, S. hominis, S. saprophyticus, S. warneri, and S. xylosus. And then, a positive Maltose result is eliminated S. capitis, S. carnosus, and S.

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