My professor had suggested that instead of me continuing on ahead doing the catalase test she had recommended that I do a mannitol salt agar test or a Blood agar test for my final test, which would help determine between Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus epidermidis. I decided to go along with the mannitol salt agar method and again with my inoculated loop I grabbed some of my unknown #15 and I had applied it to aseptic technique to the agar plate. While waiting for my results to appear, this test will show us whether or not the unknown #15 ferments mannitol, which will make it change to the color yellow. If it does not change to yellow that just simply means that the unknown #15 can grow on mannitol salt agar and handle the salt. My unknown did not change color at all, but it definitely shown some growth on the plate, which leads me to negative for Staphylococcus …show more content…
Epidermidis, according to Cheng she mentions how their natural environment is of course the human body and can also be created from disease. She also mentions that S. epidermidis is most common on the human skin of the human body. Bukhari explains how that with S. epidermidis is usually known for it to be a facultative anaerobe, but that is not the case since it grows best in aerobic conditions. Characteristics of S. epidermidis from Cheng, can be determined by its physical traits, such as, if it produces any kind slime that can allow it to stick on to biomaterials. She mentions also that since there are many different strands of S. epidermidis that the trait just described can definitely help classify just by looking at their slime residue. It can also be found mostly in the blood of patients when opened to exposure during surgery or body infections. Bukhari explains how this bacterium looks for humans or warm-blooded animals as hosts for