Outcome 1
Support children and young people with behaviour, emotional and social development needs Explain how aspects of upbringing, home circumstances, and physical and emotional health of children and young people could affect their ability to relate to others Cultural religions and belief’s play a big part at home for children and young people and the way they socially interact with other children and adults from different cultures. Can cause them to be withdrawn and having a lack of social skills due to a language barrier where English is a second language. One Parent families are likely to be a big factor in a child or young person as there can be as most single parents work hard to keep their family equipped with essential …show more content…
I support them with their Literacy and Numeracy and day to day needs. Two of my children have a statement and the other children are either EAL or just need support in learning. The statement children both have signs of ADHD but are both very different in their behaviour whether it be emotional or social they both find it hard to acknowledge the learning intention while the whole class is being taught on the carpet…so I support them on the carpet getting them to understand the lesson in length…and when on the table I will explain in length what they are expected to do their attention span is very little so I change things to make them more exciting otherwise they will both go off task to disrupt the other children’s learning which cause’s arguments and upset emotionally and learning in the classroom becomes difficult. 2.2 Summarise individual plans of children and young people with behaviour, emotional and social development needs with whom they work throughout the whole school children that have a statement, EAL(English as a special language), behaviour problems or SEN (special education needs) have a IEP (individual education plan that the teachers look at all the levels and behaviour that the children are at then set out targets and the support and resources that are needed to get these children to where they need to be or the support that is needed to help with their learning and controlling behaviour issues these are updated by teachers when target have been achieved. My whole group of children have an IEP. This is a summarise of one of them; 3.1 Work with children, young people and others to identify and set behaviour goals and boundaries for children and young people with behaviour, emotional and social development