Second, these so called aliments are not curable aliments patients can live decades with an ailment, in the video it discusses that technology gets in the way of death. Dr. William Coch in the video talks about this for he says that while treating patients condition he often runs test then the test discovers there are additional issues that need to be treated and more test then need to be run and more operations need to happen to prolong one’s life, and the vicious cycle begins for each new patient and in which disease do you treat to do you treat? These multiple test and surgeries will cause additional emotional cost to not only the patient and their family but also a financial cost to Medicare and possibly Medicaid. With so many surgeries there is a likely hood that the patient will not fully recovery and need to be on a feeding tube or be immobilized for the rest of their life thus creating additional …show more content…
One thing I mentioned in my post that was brought up in the video was as country we need to have more trained geriatric care specialist. Especially knowing that that in 30 years 20% of the population are going to be labeled geriatrics and potentially seek out the care of a Geriatrician. In addition, to increased Geriatrician’s I feel that there is a needed to create awareness to one’s potential aging conditions not only physical limitations but living limitation’s. I feel that the country should allow employers to offer LTSS insurance that can be transferred from employer to employer. In addition, as country we should allow people to consider physician assisted suicide. For in the video it mentions that we at times should stop curative treatment and focus on a patient’s comfort and functions, he states that a patient will give up year of their life to have a good death. I know when I am old or have experienced a health catastrophe that will immobilize me or in other words make a vegetable, I beg my family now to let me go and donate any of my salvageable organs to another person so that they can live the life I would want to