Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

Improved Essays
The treatment for diabetes varies with each patient. An Endocrinologist is a specialist in the treatment of diabetes, although a family practitioner can care for the patient until complications arise. Type 1 will usually start with a change in diet, reducing sugar and carbohydrate in-take and adding exercise, plus the insulin injections. The patient must use caution when exercising, sugar levels can drop fast, close monitoring and insulin amounts adjusted accordingly. Type 2 diabetes usually starts treatment with a balanced diet, low in fats, cholesterol, and simple sugars, and exercise, and to stop smoking. If diet and exercise fails to control the glucose counts, oral medication may be added. The oral medication can help with:
• Stimulating the pancreas to produce and release more insulin
• Inhibit the production and release of glucose from the liver
• Block the action of the stomach enzymes that break down carbohydrates
• Improving the sensitivity of cells
• Inhibiting the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys
Often insulin injections are add to the treatment plan to keep the sugar level down. An A1C blood test should be performed on the patient every 2 to 3 months, this test gives the average glucose count for the time span of the test. It will tell the physician how well the treatment regimen is working
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The short term complications can be; hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. If the blood sugar drops too low, hypoglycemia, it causes a person feel weak and faint and the blood glucose drops below 70. The person quickly needs to eat or drink something with sugar. Hyperglycemia is when blood glucose spikes, if it goes above 350, they need to contact the doctor or go to the ER. Some of the short term consequences are also; blurred vision, extreme thirst, urinating often, and infection. If left untreated these will lead to long term complications. The long term consequences

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