So, Mr. Trump is making sure that he continues to restate the issue by saying that he won the election legitimately. By doing this, he is making sure that he can back himself up and that he isn’t going to let the news/media control him. He is also making sure that the media/news is not getting in the way of his presidency and making sure that he stays in control of what he does because if he does not have an argument against them, then that symbolizes that he lost and that they are correct about what they are saying. I also would like to state that blaming 3 million illegal immigrants making him lose the popular vote is really ignorant. There’s no proof that all of them were illegal immigrants, so why continue to talk about this issue at the White House Reception even though he has power. People need to realize this is going to be our president for 4 years that who will make false claims over and over again. With Trump replacing ObamaCare, I would like to say that it’s a stupid move on his part. Yes, it might cost a dent on taxes, but it’s worth it. Millions of citizens depend on ObamaCare, yet he decides to repeal it. If people don’t have ObamaCare, they won’t be able to afford the proper medical attention and care that are needed for the family. I believe that many citizens agree with what Mr. Trump is
So, Mr. Trump is making sure that he continues to restate the issue by saying that he won the election legitimately. By doing this, he is making sure that he can back himself up and that he isn’t going to let the news/media control him. He is also making sure that the media/news is not getting in the way of his presidency and making sure that he stays in control of what he does because if he does not have an argument against them, then that symbolizes that he lost and that they are correct about what they are saying. I also would like to state that blaming 3 million illegal immigrants making him lose the popular vote is really ignorant. There’s no proof that all of them were illegal immigrants, so why continue to talk about this issue at the White House Reception even though he has power. People need to realize this is going to be our president for 4 years that who will make false claims over and over again. With Trump replacing ObamaCare, I would like to say that it’s a stupid move on his part. Yes, it might cost a dent on taxes, but it’s worth it. Millions of citizens depend on ObamaCare, yet he decides to repeal it. If people don’t have ObamaCare, they won’t be able to afford the proper medical attention and care that are needed for the family. I believe that many citizens agree with what Mr. Trump is