What the individual mandate says is Americans who can afford to obtain health coverage who choose not to purchase insurance will have to pay a tax penalty unless they qualify for an exemption. This will hit families who just barely miss the federal poverty limit of 400% are hit the hardest as they don't qualify for assistance. Also Obamacare will include more options, which means shopping for coverage will be more complicated. " With a private health insurance system means that shopping for health insurance can be confusing and consumers could over buy or under buy"(obamacare facts). Coverage options created by Obamacare creates a tiered health care system where the amount of money you spend equals the quality of care. Also with the employer mandate, some businesses have begun cutting employee hours. This will leave many lower paid employees hard to find health insurance unaffordable and end up with no coverage. With a new for-profit healthcare system has economic benefits, but it also means that every part of the health care system requires profit, which means higher healthcare costs than any other country with a universal healthcare …show more content…
The Affordable care act wants to provide health insurance to every American and that means adding 46 million Americans to the health care system. With many Americans on Medicaid the government is seeing abuse with the emergency room." Medicaid patients feel that their insurance card entitles them to health care anytime they want it". Also, the United States emergency rooms are overflowing at alarming rates." The number of emergency rooms in the United States has declined more than 10% over the past decade at a time when more are needed". With a overflow of non-urgent patients, they interfere with the triage and care of urgent patients with heart attacks,strokes,bleeds and etc. While more Americans are being added to Medicaid, many doctors are denying Medicaid patients, because it pays poorly for highly restrictive tests, treatments and prescription drugs. Doctors who do accept Medicaid only see a small amount of Medicaid patients." A 2008 health tracking physician survey showed that only 40% of physicians accept all Medicaid patients who seek appointments." Many Medicaid patients who lack a primary care doctor see the hospital as the place to get all their care." Also like doctors, hospitals are paid very little for seeing Medicaid patients," approximately 85 cents on the dollar" and what hospitals need is a flood of Medicaid patients rather patients with private insurance." Medicaid is a bankrupt