Pros And Cons Of The Affordable Care Act

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The Affordable Care Act is one of the most talked about and debated subjects that our country has focused on for the past 6 years. The Affordable Care Act is a federal statute that was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. This act was structured to help with hospitals and primary physicians which would transform their practices financially, technologically and clinically to drive better health care for individuals by lowering the costs and improve the methods of distribution and accessibility. By all accounts the initial reason for the ACA was to aid in increasing the availability for health insurance to those individuals that could not afford insurance. The act requires all insurance companies to cover all application within new minimum standards and offer the same rates regardless of preexisting continuous or what sex the individual is. To understand the options that we have we need to look at what is the Affordable Care Act means to us, what are the advantages, and what might the disadvantages be. First, what does the Affordable Care Act mean to each of us. …show more content…
In 2010 the Affordable Care Act became one of the most talked about pieces of legislation that has brought many mixed reviews. Healthcare is a necessity that each of us need to maintain our lives. While we have an excellent source of healthcare service in the United States, it’s the access to that healthcare that has been a problem for many American’s. There are countries that have already turned to government healthcare. The Affordable Care Act was designed to help each of us have the access to Health care that we have not been able to afford in the past. However, there are many advantages and disadvantages to the ACA. Secondly, it is said the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare will mean a huge improvement in the quality of the lives of millions of Americans. Due to the fact that they will receive better care at a cost that will be affordable to everyone they will be guaranteed coverage even if they lose their jobs and have to find another. It is said the with this Affordable Care Act will give “each individual that may not have had the ability or means to have Insurance in the past the ability to have that now and will become an important part of the everyday lives of millions of Americans. By expanding access to quality, affordable health coverage is about making progress for the hardworking families that rely upon the financial security and peace of mind that comes with it” (Burwell).The fact that each individual has the opportunity to receive coverage at a cost that is affordable to them is a very appealing aspect of this piece of legislation. USA Today stated in its Dec. 11, 2013 editorial titled Obamacare Remains Worthy: “Our View Until now, the law 's benefits have been mostly theoretical. But as more and more people select plans, the reasons Obamacare is necessary are becoming real” (TODAY). It is said that the people who before this act who were unable to get insurance are now able to have coverage at a reasonable rate. The reality of the Obamacare is something that is becoming more and more true and available for each person. Lastly, although it is said that the affordable care act which was enacted in 2010 was to archive affordable health care for each individual. There are many reports that show that the ACA has some down sides to it. It has been almost 6 years later based on the evidence the health care costs it is nowhere close the prediction that was set forth in the beginning. There are still more than 37 million Americans who are still uninsured. (John P Geyman MD). There are many discontented Americans that are seeing the effects of Obamacare as being harmful instead of helpful. There are millions of Americans being penalized for the fact that they may not be able to afford insurance even under the Affordable health care act. The care itself has gone downhill because of the fact that Physicians are not allowed to spend as much time with patients. Also there

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