Obomacare is making money a priority, not patient care as government and insurance companies have a different agenda than health care providers. Only 13 percent of physicians agree with and support Obomacare because it is truly health care rationing in action. 70% of American doctors disagree with Obamacare and feel it is impacting healthcare in a negative way. Almost 60 percent of doctors think they will retire in the next five years due to Obamacare and I have seen doctors, nurses and other medical workers leaving in droves, many being replaced by foreign doctors and nurses. The doctors no longer manage their patient’s care and are told by insurance companies what tests can be done, what medications to use and have been burdened with unending paperwork due to the new laws. Medications that have been proven helpful are often denied by insurance companies. We should be aware of the conflict of interest of insurance companies having stock in the drugs that they do …show more content…
The ridiculous amount of paperwork has become a huge priority not the actual patient care. The computerized healthcare records that are now required and the 1996 HIPPA laws that were supposed to protect our privacy have done nothing but violate our privacy in such ways that I can’t even tell you. In the past most doctors had terrible handwriting and usually only the nurses could read a patients chart and decipher it. Medical charts were always locked in a separate area and you were questioned when you went to retrieve a chart as to why you needed it. Now information is available at the push of a button, you only need the patients name in most instances, not even their social security number and way too many people have access to your information. Obomacare is the number one reason I have returned to college after being a nurse for 25 years. I can no longer be affiliated with such a corrupt system. I was proud to be a nurse for many years, but have lost all respect and faith in our health care