How Does Chillingworth's Change In The Scarlet Letter

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Toni Morrison once said in an interview that "I always looked upon the acts of racist exclusion, or insult, as pitiable, from the other person. I never absorbed that. I always thought that there was something deficient -- intellectual, emotional -- about such people." In this quote, Toni Morrison disdained people that failed to stay true to themselves and changed in a way that defied their morals. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, he depicts a character, Roger Chillingworth, who belongs to that category of people. Due to revenge, he transforms into a completely different person that represents the evil. Similarly, Toni Morrison outlines Jacob’s who goes astray in the materialistic world. Chillingworth and Dimmesdale experience great …show more content…
Before the big change in both Characters’ lives, Chillingworth and Jacob remain pure and ethical. To emphasize Chillingworth’s good morals in the past, Hawthorne characterizes him as “thoughtful for others, craving little for himself, - kind, true, [and] just” (Hawthorne 135). Hawthorne uses adjectives that pertains positive connotation to praise Chillingworth’s past character and implicitly condemning his current evilness. Also, it intrigues sympathy among audience for his terrible change. Although Chillingworth always preserves a weak and unhealthy appearance, “his expression [has] been calm, meditative, [and] scholar-like” (100). Through this description, Hawthorne implies that other villagers respect Chillingworth for his medical skills and knowledge. Chillingworth possesses a relative high status in the puritan society and people trust him to cure Dimmesdale. Like Chillingworth, Jacob stay true to his religion and despises the materialistic life style. When Jacob visits D’Ortega’s lavish houses, he reflects that D’Ortega’s “property [disgusts] him” (Morrison 26). His immediate sentiments reveal his opposition to D’Ortega’s profligate life style. Because he recognizes the …show more content…
After Dimmesdale’ s death, Chillingworth’s revenge becomes worthless. Hawthorne indicates that “there [is] no more devil’s work on earth for him to do” (201). Through this quotation, Hawthorne implies that for seven years of Chillingworth’s life, he relies on torturing Dimmesdale to live. Dimmesdale’s death marks the end of his revenge, and because his sole purpose for life “consist in the pursuit and systematic exercise of revenge, he loses his determination to live (201). Because of the vengeance, he becomes so dependent on Dimmesdale that without him, Chillingworth’s life lacks purpose. In the end of the story, the seven years revenge consumes and drains him completely. Likewise, after building the house, Jacob meets his destiny. He asks people “to carry him into the house” and “never wakes” (43). Jacob insists to die in his new house, highlighting his obsession with materialistic things, even at the point of death. Furthermore, before his death, Hawthorne depicts that Jacob decorates the gate leading to the house with “glittering cobras,” relating to a biblical story (42). In Adam and Eve story, Adam and eve cannot resist the charm of fruits from the tree of good and evil. This story about sin coincides with Jacob’s change. Because Jacob dies inside those “gates,” and the “gates” lead to the house, where Jacob dies, Hawthorne implies that the gates connote the sin that cause Jacob’s death

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