Touching Spirit Bear Analysis

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The theme of Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelsen is that everyone can change. This is because The main character, Cole, is bullying a lot of kids and is not very nice, after he touched the spirit bear he noticed how beautiful the world was. Peter was attempting to commit suicide and he also feared Cole, later they started to trust each other. “I want to help you carve the blank space on your totem that you saved for your dance of anger.”(Mikaelsen, Touching, 239). The theme of Ghost of Spirit Bear is that you should speak up for your rights. This is because the principal of Cole’s school wants to make a difference at her school, and stop the bullying. “ ‘What you just witnessed was assault,’ said the principal. ‘And that girl will be charged. If you shoved, kicked or slapped a stranger downtown, you would be guilty of assault. The law doesn’t change because you are in school.’ ”(Mikaelsen, Ghost, 93)
In both of the books people changed how they acted towards each other. “ ‘I told the guys later that what they did was chicken and I’ve quit hanging out with them.’ ”(Mikaelsen, Ghost, 125). Keith used to bully kids but he learned that he you should not bully others. “For the next two hours Cole and Peter carved together.”(Mikaelsen, Touching, 239). Cole
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Cole used to not care for others. “Nobody knew what it was like living with parents who wished he weren’t alive. It angered Cole when they pretended they did.”(Mikaelsen, Ghost, 29) In Ghost of Spirit Bear Cole has started to care about the people at his school and wants to change the school mascot to a spirit bear for a symbol that their school can change. “We need a major change. A new mascot won’t solve everything. But it will be a symbol of what we’re trying to accomplish.”(Mikaelsen, Ghost, 141) In the first book Cole did not care about others as much as he did in the second

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