the result would be that the customers would pick the best and most affordable option. In doing
this the costumers create competition between the sellers to make a better and more affordable
product. If the seller failed to do this the costumers will not buy from them and the seller will
ultimately go out if business.
The consumer’s tastes and preference are served by competition because sellers are
competing for their customers. They have to keep working to keep their product good and
affordable if they want to stay in business.A total free market would allow monopolies and
without some regulations it would get to a point where there …show more content…
it would be a competition to get to that point but once they do then
they would have their spot top spot made. They could suffocate other businesses with
undercuts and they would have too much power.The Government should not have total control
but they should regulate certain things where the competition of a total free market has no
place. These are Healthcare, education and gun control. These three things should be
controlled by the government to ensure that no one is sick, held down in a system where
education means so much and finally protected from weapons.
The healthcare system in America is horrendous. You must get the healthcare they allow you to
get and the way they price healthcare services is even worse. It is different for every plan so …show more content…
Many admired professors have offered
to volunteer for free. This would allow people who don't have the money to go to a college to go
on their computer or go to a library to go on the computer and attend class and get educated
Shootings have become such a common occurrence in the news and I'm sure that some
fraction of the damage if not many occurrences could be avoided if we had stricter gun
regulations. Many people don't like the idea of having their right to "bear arms" taken away from
them, but keep in mind this right was written when guns were in such a primal state and there
was more of a need for them. The writers never could have thought that guns would be where
they are today. A good first step in tightening gun control is requiring a mental health record of
everyone who buys a gun. Doing this would stop the flow of guns easily to people who are more
prone to do something of the nature of a shooting. It wouldn't eliminate all of the troubles guns
are having on ur society but it would be a step in the right direction of making the world a little