Animal Testing Is Illegal

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“Right now, millions of animals are imprisoned in laboratories, where they are experimented on and live in constant pain as well as fear of when the next horrible procedure will occur. In addition to being cruel, these experiments are irrelevant to humans.” (Salvona ) Tormenting these underprivileged animals to unnecessary research testing is unethical. Not to mention experimenting on defenseless animals is immoral. Animal testing is unethical, unreliable and can be placed with alternatives. In laboratories all over the world, there are several animals imprisoned in small cages only to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, forcibly restrained, brain-damaged, and addicted to drugs. Scientists inject artificial diseases in animals …show more content…
Thomas Hartung, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who experts in evidence-based toxicology, argues that there are alternatives to animal testing. "We are not 70 kg rats." (Perkel,) Anatomically mice and rats are much smaller than humans. When testing, vaccinations for a disease they receive a smaller dosage than humans receive. Drug and immunization vaccine tests on animals do not produce accurate results. In some cases, the drug is accurate in animals, but when approved and sold to consumers, but the drug is ruled unsafe. For example, when preforming experimental tests on the drug Vioxx to treat arthritis, the animal subjects used showed that it had a protective effect on the hearts of mice, but the drug had caused more than 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths before being pulled from the market.” (Neavs) Another example of inaccurate results in early animal testing would be in the 1950’s lab animals tested a sleeping pill called Thalidomide and it was successful within the lab, but later there were 10,000 cases of babies born with severe birth deformities. …show more content…
A lab technician can fail when researchers produce biases in lab, causing flaws to occur in the experiments. In 2009, a study found major flaws in a majority of publicly funded animal studies in the US and UK primarily when using rodents and primates. 87% of the studies were unsuccessful because researchers had used a technique that reduces "selection bias” which required randomizing the selection of animals. 86% of the experiments did not use "blinding”, another technique to reduce biased research. (Kilkenny). The FDA reports that 92% of drugs approved for testing in humans fail to receive approval for human use.

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