To Kill A Mockingbird Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mocking Bird has been hailed as one of the best classical stories of social class and racism in 20th century America. Set in a small fictitious town in Alabama the story is told through the eyes of Scout Finch, a young girl who cannot help but sympathize with her father who decides to defend a black man in a court of law. Immediately after its release in 1960, the novel became a hit, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and two years later the movie version was released. While the movie basically complements the novel by retelling the same events, there are some differences between the two versions of the story.
First off, there are many obvious similarities between the film and movie versions of the story. The most obvious similarities can be identified in characterization, the plot and the themes. Similar to the novel, Atticus faces many challenges for taking on Tom Robison’s case, right from the beginning when he has to deal
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For example, one of the obvious differences is the fact that the film is considerably shorter than the novel therefore some scenes are left out of the former. For example, the scene of the burning house is not depicted in the film. The other scene that is notably absent in the where Calpurnia goes to a black church with Scout and Jenn. In the novel the scene serves to add more to the theme of discrimination when Calpurnia is mocked for bringing white children to an African-American church. The reality of the pervasive racism is also reenacted by the fact that there is resistance to integrate white children in a black church despite the fact that their father is among the few famous white men among African Americans. I think the filmmakers had to take out this scene due to time restrictions and the fact there are numerous other scenes that reenact the same

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