Civic Education Republicanism

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Question 1: Republicanism, according to the presentation on History of Education is, “The foundation for the main purposes of civic education.” In other words, republicanism is the base for the purposes of public schools. Thomas Jefferson advocated for republicanism. The purpose of republicanism was to educate people so that they could vote intelligently and so that people could understand the republic and how it works. Jefferson created a bill called, “Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge,” which provided extra opportunities to the most talented people and and equal access to education. Men would go to school for three years and be provided with a general education. Women and those who were enslaved were not eligible to receive the three years of general education. If a man flourished in those years, he would move on in their education and be prepared for leadership roles in society. If he didn’t do well in school, his education would stop and he would just go straight to work. Question 2: Even though boys and girls go to the sames schools and learn the same materials, they receive different treatments and different educations. A few examples of ways in which boys get treated differently in schools are through methods of instruction, formal curriculum, and hidden curriculum. On average, boys are provided with more attention and remediation from the teacher and better instruction. If a boy is having a hard time in the classroom, the teacher will go over and help them. If a girl is having a hard time in the classroom, the teacher will go over and do their work for them. In response, the boys learn more than the girls. The curriculum that is taught to students is also an issue because it is sexist. In school, especially in history and science class, students mostly learn about important men and rarely ever women. This is an issue because it marginalizes women and puts them on the backburner which leads to stereotyping that …show more content…
Nieto says that we must view “bilingualism as a resource.” What she means by this is that bilingualism should not be looked down upon but, be accepted. In America, society has taught us to think of language diversity as a negative instead of a positive condition. Nieto believes that language diversity should not be looked upon as a handicap but rather as a resource. She says, “Rather than continuing to view linguistic diversity as a problem to be corrected, teachers can learn to think of it as an asset for classrooms and society in general.” In other words there is nothing wrong with being bilingual. Nieto also believes that Americans discriminate against bilinguals because being able to speak more than one language can either give a person more privilege or take it …show more content…
The best way a teacher could do this is by first finding the student 's strengths. If one student is a very visual person and learns best by watching videos instead of just reading from textbook, the teacher could incorporate more videos into their lessons. A teacher’s job is to teach all of their students and cater to their needs. By watching their students, teachers can figure out what works best for some people and the most effective way to teach all the students. Another way to focus on a student with learning disabilities strength’s is by not labeling and segregating them. If a student is labeled as being disabled, it stigmatizes the teacher that the student isn’t as good as the others, which is not

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