Young “Teedie” as young Theodore was known as by his family, was a very curious yet sickly child. Being born as the oldest son of a wealthy New York businessman, young Theodore had many privileges most children of his era did not. Yet Theodore’s mother Martha Bulloch was from a wealthy southern family. (Judson) Theodore Roosevelt, sr. owned a summer home just outside of New York City. Theodore was known to go out and collect specimens for his collection, which he …show more content…
One of Roosevelt’s best known achievements was storming San Juan Hill in Cuba with the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment better known as the “Rough Riders” which led to the Spanish exile of Cuba. (National Park)Theodore’s second best known accomplishment was founding one hundred and fifty national parks. Now you have to love nature and be very curious to found one hundred and fifty national parks. Theodore loved nature very much even though he hunted a bunch of animals he did it in the name of science. Theodore was also known for his wild hunting trips where he would travel into the heart of Africa at sometimes and not come back for weeks up to months(Judson).
After reading this I hope you now understand why Theodore “Teedie” Roosevelt was an extraordinary man.I also hope that you learned many things that you did not know about Theodore Roosevelt. Hopefully you learned that Theodore Roosevelt was a very curious man that loved the outdoors. For the sake of Theodore Roosevelt and I please do not call him “Teddy” but call him “Teedie”