I think we all know what is like to be in Sandrine’s shoes that awkward and trying moment we run into an ex or some from high school. However I also know what it is like to be like Jimmy (in a sense I think we all do) this semester of college I found out an ex-boyfriend/friend was getting married and well as you can imagine it is a little heartbreaking. The main theme I believe is all the elements of love. This play looks at how goofy following in love can be and all the surprises that come along with love. I really appreciate that he wrote this story in a way that made our emotion so literal. For example when you breakup with someone and you do the whole here is your stuff I came to get mine but instead he showed this with love. That same love is what transformed into something else the engagement ring. That whole thing just made my heart warm. The diction of the play relates to the time and place. They are simple characters with specific wants and they don’t need to be super dramatic to get across their
I think we all know what is like to be in Sandrine’s shoes that awkward and trying moment we run into an ex or some from high school. However I also know what it is like to be like Jimmy (in a sense I think we all do) this semester of college I found out an ex-boyfriend/friend was getting married and well as you can imagine it is a little heartbreaking. The main theme I believe is all the elements of love. This play looks at how goofy following in love can be and all the surprises that come along with love. I really appreciate that he wrote this story in a way that made our emotion so literal. For example when you breakup with someone and you do the whole here is your stuff I came to get mine but instead he showed this with love. That same love is what transformed into something else the engagement ring. That whole thing just made my heart warm. The diction of the play relates to the time and place. They are simple characters with specific wants and they don’t need to be super dramatic to get across their