Their Eyes Were Watching God Movie Analysis

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A way to mark a new beginning in your life is to dive into a pond and watch god - at least that’s what Janie does in the film adaptation of Their Eyes Were Watching God. The central theme of the film centers around the main character, Janie, and her search for true love and happiness. We get to see Janie struggle through two painful relationships before she finds “the one”. The film follows Janie as she pushes through a failed arranged marriage to Logan Killicks, and an abusive relationship to Joe Starks. She eventually meets a much younger man named Tea Cake, who shows her a new way and meaning to life.

The actors helped to paint a vivid and true picture of Hurston’s novel. Halle Berry’s performance as Janie helped bring the book to life.
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The overall story remains quite similar , however, some important features that fans of the novel may have been eager to see, are evidently missing. The pear tree in the novel is what drives Janie to find love. In the film, the tree is replaced with a pond. She submerges herself in clear water several times, marking new beginnings in her life. Racism was also a major topic in the novel, but the film neglects to mention the theme. We don’t get to meet Mrs. Turner, or see when Janie first realizes that she is colored. This theme may have been left out in order to created a more streamlined story that focuses on one topic. I think that leaving the racism theme in the story may have added more depth to Janie’s character. Janie’s trial at the end was also omitted, possibly for the sake of time. Janie’s childhood and background may have been left out for the same reason. Janie’s arranged marriage, running off with Joe, her fallout with Joe, running off with Tea Cake, and the shooting were some main scenes that were kept in the movie. These are probably the most important parts of the storyline. I think I enjoyed the film more because I got to see the scenes get brought to life. I think the film could have been better if there was more attention given to the iconic little details of the book, such as the pear tree and Janie having straight

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