Thee Pipeline Project is focused on filling the accounting talent pipeline with qualified underrepresented minority candidates in order to enhance the prospects of diversifying the profession. The Pipeline Working Group is composed of educators and professions and has developed five initiatives designed to address the core challenges of recruiting more minority youth to the profession. (Ross) The Pipeline Project hopes to become a unified effort under the AICPA, accounting firms, state societies, and other groups in order to create a shared vision of a more diverse …show more content…
Mentors and professionals need to approach students early on in high school before they have a set idea about what accounting is like. (Taylor Research & Consulting Group) The study found that 57% of college students became seriously interested in a particular profession prior to college. To increase awareness in this way, the profession should consider creating more summer development programs, internship opportunities, and student charters of professional organizations. In these programs, firms and organizations can attract, develop, and retain young professionals, especially in underrepresented minority groups, and guide them through the meaningful steps to access the profession. Early intervention through these methods can have an impact on students’ decisions to enter the profession. Making expectations of the profession known early, students and individuals will be more prepared to take on the journey in accounting. Additionally, by viewing these development programs and internships as investments, firms can make a better connection with how they build relationships with young