The Transformation Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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As human beings we all posses unique personalities. Although our personalities may conflict with each other. It doesn’t necessarily mean that our character traits are different from one another. Unknowingly people may share the same traits but they posse a different type of personality. Our personalities and traits govern who we are but during circumstantial situations a new personality may takeover. This reveals that there were hidden traits in that person that are now submerging. In literature it is expressed how a character may change; in the beginning they are a flat character and towards the end they become a dynamic character. This is evident in the crucible where during circumstantial and distressing times people transform and hidden traits are …show more content…
All theses characters transform and in a sense switch roles within one another conveying the theme of the play which is………….. In the crucible the character Abigail Williams is the antagonist and portrays churlish behaviors. She has one motive and that is to seek revenge on Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail Williams was the mistress in an affair with John Proctor. She solely seeks to have his undying love: however, John reflects on his sins and calls it quits with Abigail. This stirs up strife between Abigail and John as well as his wife and she becomes a deceitful being throughout the play. This leads one to believe that her character traits are all unpleasant and her personality is brusque. In actuality Abigail Williams does posses a caring and probably charming trait, However in the play everything she does wrong is highlighted. Yet, there is a quality that she must posses that was able to draw John Proctor to end up

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